Comments: Brilliant! Now all we need is an equivalent device to handle the cat litter end. If you pair them together, perhaps you'd be able to go for a month long vacation and the cats wouldn't care.
I imagine this would disrupt the pet boarding industry :-)
Comments: Brilliant!!! Top Banana!! Hot water stopped on Friday afternoon - Found your site and diagnosed fault Friday evening - Got parts on Saturday morning - Had Hot Water by Saturday evening!
Our 24CDI still had the original old style Flow Manifold so was a slightly different configuration to those fitted on later 24CDI boilers. Because of this we opted to replace the diaphragm only as replacing the whole diverter would have meant also buying the updated Flow Manifold,etc... After a bit of googling and finding instructions to fit the new version (flow-manifold-instructions.pdf)on the site we felt reassured that although our boiler hadn't been fitted with the upgrade it wasn't anything detrimental to the repair in hand.
We had to source the diaphragm through a plumbing trade outlet so they were quite a bit more expensive than ebay listings, but we weighed up the pros and cons of being without Hot water until earliest delivery date of Tuesday or a few quid out of pocket lying in a lovely hot bath on Saturday night. The latter option won hands down as although we could have used our caravan on the front drive, getting past the neighbours kitchen window in a Tiger onesie without causing a stir seemed a daunting prospect! So Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!
Daz & Charlie x:]
PS. Alan from Edinburgh - Think you're talking about the filling loop screw which should be opened only when re-pressuring the system using a key. At all other times it should be tightly closed.
Comments: Many thanks for your pictorial Worcester guide - it really helped me replace my first ever diaphragm kit. Question - what does the black screw do on the opposite side of the key to the grey screw do on plastic manifold? Should this be fully closed or partly open?
Thanks again, Alan
Added: August 23, 2014
Submitted by Name: Gary Light
Comments: Great lesson on PKI Gareth; this man knows his stuff!
Comments: Just to say thanks loads for your advice here. Completed the Worcester 24cdi diaphragm repair last weekend at the cost of about £20. It was definitely tricky as a first timer, but with due care and a lot of perseverance, definitely achievable. See my forum post "worcester-24cdi-hot-water-gradual-fail" on diynot dot com to see a few of my ramblings / pictures from the repair. Thanks again and good luck to anyone attempting the repair!
Comments: Excellent illustrated guide to 28cdi diverter replacement. I am a gas engineer and happened upon this site whilst looking for something else. Concise and clear route to successful repair,without making it appear too simple,and encouraging the less 'dextrous' to have a go.
Name: Lotus Candles
From: United States
E-mail: Viewable to admin only
Brilliant! Now all we need is an equivalent device to handle the cat litter end. If you pair them together, perhaps you'd be able to go for a month long vacation and the cats wouldn't care.
I imagine this would disrupt the pet boarding industry :-)